Testing and Breeding
The German testing system functions as a guide to determine those dogs most fit for breeding and to help format a consistent way of producing dogs through use of testing, temperament evaluation, and conformation standards. This performance based testing structure has proved successful and beneficial for over a century to both breeder and individual owner and has given us the Deutsch Kurzhaar we know today.
The Derby is a breed test along with a natural ability test. Its purpose is to determine the young dog’s natural abilities in the most important field categories and to assess the breeding values of the young dog’s parents
This test serves its purpose best when on the one hand the training and preparation of the young dog are sufficiently advanced that its natural abilities have been developed and can be evaluated, but on the other hand, the handler’s influence does not overly cover or mask the young dog’s natural ability. From past experience, testing during the first spring, best
shows the dog’s natural abilities regarding the acuity of nose, finding ability, a smart search with the purpose of finding game, as well as pointing and relocating feathered game. for more information read the Grey book. more,
(1) The Solms test is a breeding test, an addition to and expansion of the spring breeding test.
(2) The purpose of the Solms-test, similar to the Derby, is to assess the level of the dog’s natural abilities in regards to suitability and future use in versatile hunting and breeding, as well as to determine the parent’s breeding value.
(3) Particular attention is paid in general to the dog’s mental stability and temperament.More.
AZP – (Alterszuchtprüfung)
Breeding Test for Older Dogs (AZP)
(1) Any dogs that were not able to participate in an Autumn Breeding Test – Solms – due to illness, heat, or for other reasons are given the opportunity to be tested in the Breeding Test for Older Dogs (AZP) to prove their hunting aptitude and suitability. Furthermore, the Breeding Test for Older Dogs (AZP) serves as a hunting maturity test for dogs, which had previously been tested. Especially important is the determination of the dog’s and its parent’s breeding qualities.
(2) The test regulations are the same as for the Autumn Breeding Test – Solms. Considering the dog’s age and the more intensive hunting experience, proportionally higher performance is expected, particularly in obedience.
(3) The dogs should not be over 6 years old.
IKP – International Kurzhaar–Prüfung
This test is held in Europe every other year in the odd years only .more
Kleemann Ausleseprüfung
The Kleemann test was named after Dr. Paul Kleemann, an important contributor to the Deutsch Kurzhaar breed. The Kleemann is held every other year in even numbered years and is judged on a pass or fail basis. Those dogs that pass receive the prestigious “KS” or Kurzhaar Sieger title that is added to their name (ex: Yard KS vom Hege-Haus). The Kurzhaar Sieger, or Shorthair Champion, is considered the world championship for Shorthairs and is a test of strict judging and requires specific criteria for entering. more..
Zuchtschau-conformation show
Zuchtschaus are held to evaluate the conformation of the dogs according to theDKV breed standard. In order to be considered for breed eligibility more……
DKV Breeding Requirements
To be approved fit for breeding (Zuchttauglich), a DKV-registered dog must have:
passed at least one of these performance tests: Solms, HZP, AZP or VGP
been evaluated at least “Good” in a Zuchtschau
and been approved “Hip Dysplasia Free” as evaluated by the DKV (x-ray sent to Germany).
The rules for breeding may be found in the CDKA Testing and Breeding Regulations, which contains the testing and breeding regulations in English, more..